Tuesday, June 21, 2011

snapshots in the life.

a little art for some people.
for Jess.

an order from Lindsey Morris.
Jer. 17

for Garrett Day.
just cause I believe much for his life...
and I like him a lot.

now begins the greatest photoshoot you will ever see.

my boyfriend's so cool.

love her.

beautiful friend.

I LOVE my life.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

a bit of color.

some need a little color in their life... I'm convinced.
just this morning I encountered someone who needed some pizzazz in their daily grind.
oh God, don't let me be like that. please LORD.
I want to experience all that there is in this life to offer.

here's some color made for some beautiful people in my life:
a little something for the sister

& for Kim Day

well, I must go.
real post coming soon.

things I've learned in the past month:
  • it really is SO SWEET to trust in Jesus. it's how we were originally created to operate.
  • His faithfulness endures until THE END.
  • boyfriends are so sweet. well, at least mine is.
  • I was created for discipleship. I LOVE it. now to be discipled myself...
  • I enjoy a nice clear coat on my nails every now and then instead of those crazy colors.
  • sometimes, I am opinion-less. rare... but it happens.
  • I love having my best friend live with me.
  • absence makes the heart grow fonder... and fonder it does grow.
  • I am a quality time, physical touch person.... but I LOVE giving gifts.
  • I must verbally, out-loud submit my day, life and heart to the Father everyday.
  • Aveeno is always the way to go. pay the painful extra $5.
  • there are things to choose to be insecure about everyday or we can make the choice to hope in the Lord.
  • I enjoy frisky activity. [frisky = Freakin' Risky]
  • The enemy attacks when there is something God is trying to teach me. the greatest area of attack: my relationship with my Savior and my love for Him. I must be on guard.
  • finally: Psalm 25:3 - I could preach a sermon on this... but I'll save it for my next post.
let it remain.
He's worthy.