Sunday, June 23, 2019

Austin Trip 2019

So we have been in Austin this weekend for a short little family getaway. Oh you guys! It has been a blast!! Now I know what some of you are thinking, traveling with four kids ages five and under? They are crazy! And I will admit, that there were some moments in the weekend that I would have agreed with you. But I will also say, and for anyone who knows me, I don’t believe that we should stop doing adventurous things just because we have little kids. 
BTW, the day we got there, Sulli asked “Are we in Bostons or Austins?” 😂 so the whole time we were there, those names were used interchangeably by the kids. 

I will also say, there have been many times and situations where I haven’t done something because I was afraid of how the kids would respond. But they always surprise me. They are able to handle so much more than I give them credit for. We ate a lot this trip. Good, good food!

If you guys are ever in Austin, I have some friends there, and lots of recommendations for some good eating.
So all in all, I think it’s really important to find some kid friendly restaurants and kid friendly things to do anywhere you go. For us, it was going to the aquarium and going to places that we could sit outside and not worry about them being too loud. Thankfully, Austin has a ton of places to go and sit outside. The only downside to that is the heat. But it honestly wasn’t too bad. I also think, that going anywhere with kids this young, you need to stay somewhere that has a pool. 

I honestly think that if we had done nothing else but stay in the hotel and swim all day every day, these kids would’ve been happy little campers. All four of them are a little fish. Even Fisher, which I have never had a kid who was as unafraid of the water as he is and so young! He is turning out to be rather fearless, just like his older sister Sullivan. The other two, Winslow and Wilder, are the more cautious types. They are very leery before diving into anything headfirst. I love that about them, just like I love the other two’s impulsivity (though it may land us in the ER someday soon.) All of mine love adventure, all of them want to be in the mix with other people, and all of them love to party. They also love learning, which is why I think the aquarium was such a good fit for them right now. I think we all needed some family time. Just some time to be together without our normal crazy schedule.
My parents ended up meeting us there for the last day of our trip & we were thankful to have a couple extra set of hands. But also, Garrett & I are just the type of people — anything fun, we want to share with others. So Mom & Dad were troopers even when I made us drive into downtown traffic to go to Big Top (a retro candy shop on S. Congress) it was crazy hot, & there were so many people, but the kids had fun & are STILL nursing their bags of candy they hand picked out.
Some places we eat at AND LOVE in Austin:
  • Torchy’s Tacos
  • Homeslice (on 53rd)
  • Tyson’s Taco’s (breakfast tacos are 😋😋)
  • Might Fine Burger
  • Veracruz All Natural
  • Bufalina Due
  • Sap’s Thai Cuisine

We also love visiting Trader Joe’s, random coffee shops & thrift stores too. I scored some classic books for the kids for 99¢/ea so it was a win. We have other suggestions of things to do in Austin that we just couldn’t get to. There’s so much to do!! We did do some exploring, a long walk, some nature exploration. So much fun.

Where are your favorite places to go out of town? Do you ever go to Austin, and if you do, what do you like to do?